Red Blizzard Rods (Trautman Art Glass)


Red Blizzard is a transparent to semi-opaque red glass shot through with flecks of white glass “snow.” Rough rods that smooth out in the flame. Red Bliz should be worked in a neutral or oxidizing atmosphere to keep the white bits from boiling but its a pretty flame tolerant glass. The “snow” of the Blizzard line resembles stone or old-fashioned speckled enamel-on-metal dishes. Single rods are approximately 16″ x 7mm.

Red Blizzard Rods (Trautman Art Glass)

Red Blizzard is a transparent to semi-opaque red glass shot through with flecks of white glass “snow.” Rough rods that smooth out in the flame. Red Bliz should be worked in a neutral or oxidizing atmosphere to keep the white bits from boiling but its a pretty flame tolerant glass. The “snow” of the Blizzard line resembles stone or old-fashioned speckled enamel-on-metal dishes. Single rods are approximately 16" x 7mm.

Additional information

Weight 1.55 oz
Dimensions 21 × .32 × .32 in
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Single rods, Pounds

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