Turquoise Rods (Glass Alchemy)


Turquoise was inspired by Southwest American Indian art. To mimic natural turquoise we wanted a color that would develop organic red highlights within the green coloration like the stone. Working Tip: Work this color in a neutral flame. Garage at 975° F, Anneal at 1050° F. Use of reduction at the end of the project can produce subtle red tones. Single rods are 16″.

Turquoise Rods (Glass Alchemy)

Turquoise was inspired by Southwest American Indian art. To mimic natural turquoise we wanted a color that would develop organic red highlights within the green coloration like the stone. Working Tip: Work this color in a neutral flame. Garage at 975° F, Anneal at 1050° F. Use of reduction at the end of the project can produce subtle red tones. Single rods are 16".

Additional information

Weight 1.55 oz
Dimensions 21 × .32 × .32 in
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Single rods, Pounds

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