Grape Rods (Glass Alchemy)


Grape was one of the first purple tones in the borosilicate palette. Grape is a dark translucent rod and the rich nature of its color really pops when applied over Sno White. In sculpture it will reflect black and transmit purple light. Working Tip: Work in neutral flame to avoid reduction (gray streaks). Single rods are 16″.

Grape Rods (Glass Alchemy)

Grape was one of the first purple tones in the borosilicate palette. Grape is a dark translucent rod and the rich nature of its color really pops when applied over Sno White. In sculpture it will reflect black and transmit purple light. Working Tip: Work in neutral flame to avoid reduction (gray streaks). Single rods are 16".

Additional information

Weight 1.55 oz
Dimensions 21 × .32 × .32 in
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Single rods, Pounds

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