Beryl Rods (Glass Alchemy)


Beryl, 833 was designed as an organic color to fill a huge hole in the borosilicate palette. A color that is seen (but not often noticed) in nature and called retro by those that recall the oil lamps and cruets of the 60’s, Beryl makes a great bead color, is useful as a tint or sculptural color. Working Tip: Work in neutral flame to avoid reduction (red streaks). Single rods are 16″.


Beryl Rods (Glass Alchemy)

Beryl, 833 was designed as an organic color to fill a huge hole in the borosilicate palette. A color that is seen (but not often noticed) in nature and called retro by those that recall the oil lamps and cruets of the 60's, Beryl makes a great bead color, is useful as a tint or sculptural color. Working Tip: Work in neutral flame to avoid reduction (red streaks). Single rods are 16".


Additional information

Weight 1.55 oz
Dimensions 21 × .32 × .32 in
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Single rods, Pounds

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