Amazon Night Rods (Glass Alchemy)


The base glass for Amazon Night is a translucent dark green and it is fully packed with silver and other metals. When working Amazon Night without encasement, make sure not to overwork in a reducing atmosphere or in an over oxidizing flame to avoid phase separation or scum. Work in as close to a neutral atmosphere as possible until just before putting the piece away, then increase propane in flame and pass piece through flame and watch a chrome like rainbow iridescence build up with different levels of exposure.

Amazon Night Rods (Glass Alchemy)

The base glass for Amazon Night is a translucent dark green and it is fully packed with silver and other metals. When working Amazon Night without encasement, make sure not to overwork in a reducing atmosphere or in an over oxidizing flame to avoid phase separation or scum. Work in as close to a neutral atmosphere as possible until just before putting the piece away, then increase propane in flame and pass piece through flame and watch a chrome like rainbow iridescence build up with different levels of exposure.

Additional information

Weight 1.55 oz
Dimensions 21 × .32 × .32 in
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Single rods, Pounds

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