Turbo Amethyst Frit (Northstar)


NS-113 Turbo Amethyst is a smooth dark violet. This color is an intensified version of NS- 106 Dark Amethyst. This is a “what you see is what you get” color that works like butter. Use in a slightly neutral to oxidizing flame for best results. NS-113 is the violet version of NS-33 Turbo Cobalt.

NS-113 Turbo Amethyst frit is a smooth dark violet. This color is an intensified version of NS- 106 Dark Amethyst. This is a “what you see is what you get” color that works like butter. Use in a slightly neutral to oxidizing flame for best results. NS-113 is the violet version of NS-33 Turbo Cobalt.

Available in Large, Small, Fine, and Powder.

Additional information

Weight 5 oz
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 3 in

Fine, Powder, Large, Small

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