Yellow Elvis Rods (Trautman Art Glass)


Yellow Elvis is a lightly reactive amber/purple type color — an easy striking yellow that will self-strike as it cools but darkens with kiln striking, or with flame striking in an oxy environment. Yellow Elvis gains greenish highlights with reduction. Oxy flames bring out brighter tones, reduction gives softer earthier colors. Single rods are approximately 16″ x 7mm.

Yellow Elvis Rods (Trautman Art Glass)

Yellow Elvis is a lightly reactive amber/purple type color -- an easy striking yellow that will self-strike as it cools but darkens with kiln striking, or with flame striking in an oxy environment. Yellow Elvis gains greenish highlights with reduction. Oxy flames bring out brighter tones, reduction gives softer earthier colors. Single rods are approximately 16" x 7mm.

Additional information

Weight 1.55 oz
Dimensions 21 × .32 × .32 in
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Single rods, Pounds

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