Dark Blue Slyme Rods (Trautman Art Glass)


Dark Blue Slyme has everything you know and love about a Slyme: finished work can range from opaque to translucent to transparent in the same piece from the same rod of color. You can bring out a milky strike that gives visual depth, and you can pull out rich color where the strike is burned away.
Unlike the regular Slyme, the Dark Blue Slyme keeps more of its color under clear encasement, and the biggest difference between the new Dark Blue Slyme and regular green Slyme is the flame- you will want to use a slightly reducing to neutral flame. Single rods are approximately 16″ x 7mm.

Dark Blue Slyme Rods (Trautman Art Glass)

Dark Blue Slyme has everything you know and love about a Slyme. Finished work can range from opaque to translucent to transparent in the same piece from the same rod of color. You can bring out a milky strike that gives visual depth. And you can pull out rich color where the strike is burned away.
Unlike the regular Slyme, the Dark Blue Slyme keeps more of its color under clear encasement, and the biggest difference between the new Dark Blue Slyme and regular green Slyme is the flame- you will want to use a slightly reducing to neutral flame. Single rods are approximately 16" x 7mm.

Additional information

Weight 1.55 oz
Dimensions 21 × .32 × .32 in
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Single rods, Pounds

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