
Skutt – Scarab

Original price was: $6,790.00.Current price is: $5,092.50.


This item requires non-standard shipping. When you purchase this item we will contact you with the shipping time and cost before finalizing your order. Call 707-822-1374 if you have any questions or to place a phone order.

Approximately 27 in. x 16 in. opening and 12 in. high: 3 cubic feet.

If you are serious about flameworking you need serious equipment. Designed by a flameworker, specifically for flameworking Borosilicate glass.

Can be purchased with an optional stand (stationary or on rollers) -$588.75

Skutt Scarab kiln

If you are serious about flameworking you need serious equipment. Designed by a flameworker, specifically for flameworking Borosilicate glass.

Approximately 27 in. x 16 in. opening and 12 in. high: 3 cubic feet.

Can be purchased with an optional stand (stationary or on rollers) -$495

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