
GTT (Glass Torch Technologies) – Yellow Jacket Hand Torch


The Yellow Jacket hand torch is a triple mix torch with a single jet. The Yellow Jacket hand torch comes with custom lightweight fuel and oxygen hose. The hose is coiled so that it stays out of the way when being used or stored. The ends of the hose have ¼” hose barbs and a mounting block to attach to the work bench, table or lathe. This allows the Yellow Jacket to be at hand when needed, without the tangled mess of hoses all over. The hose length is 18” when coiled and over 48” when extended! The standard neck length is 4” with a 45 degree bend near the face of the torch.

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The GTT Yellow Jacket hand torch is a triple mix torch with a single jet. The GTT Yellow Jacket hand torch comes with custom lightweight fuel and oxygen hose. The hose is coiled so that it stays out of the way when being used or stored. The ends of the hose have ¼” hose barbs and a mounting block to attach to the work bench, table or lathe. This allows the Yellow Jacket to be at hand when needed, without the tangled mess of hoses all over. The hose length is 18” when coiled and over 48” when extended! The standard neck length is 4” with a 45 degree bend near the face of the torch. (Includes the $35 Hook)

This torch can be shaken, used in rushing air, put down, and moved rapidly without putting out the flame. This means no more lost work because of a flame going out or popping at a critical moment as you work on your masterpiece.

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Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 4 in
Select an option

With Hook, Without Hook

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