Jackpot Rods (Glass Alchemy)


Jackpot is a super saturated sparkle color. If you like Paparazzi but wish it was denser, then Jackpot is the color for you! This color holds up well in encasement and can be mixed with other colors to create custom super sparkle colors! Working Tip: This color likes to be worked cool, but make sure you have your heat base built up while tooling or manipulating the glass to avoid developing a gray haze. As with all chrome colors, we suggest you work this color in a neutral flame. Garage at 975° F, Anneal at 1050° F. Single rods are 16″.

Jackpot Rods (Glass Alchemy)

Jackpot is a super saturated sparkle color. If you like Paparazzi but wish it was denser, then Jackpot is the color for you! This color holds up well in encasement and can be mixed with other colors to create custom super sparkle colors! Working Tip: This color likes to be worked cool, but make sure you have your heat base built up while tooling or manipulating the glass to avoid developing a gray haze. As with all chrome colors, we suggest you work this color in a neutral flame. Garage at 975° F, Anneal at 1050° F. Single rods are 16".

Additional information

Weight 1.55 oz
Dimensions 21 × .32 × .32 in
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Single rods, Pounds

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